We are delighted to announce that XenForo 2.3.0 Beta is now available to all customers with active self-hosted licenses. XenForo 2.3 includes a large number of new features and improvements, including:
You can call it on any page where needed with the following code:
<xf:js src="vendor/jquery-slim.js" min="1" />
This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in production.
Note: It is not compatible with XenVn addon version 1.x.x
- Dark mode and style variants
- Extensive performance improvements
- Featured content
- Image optimization (WebP), client side image resizing and more
- Automation via webhooks
- Sign in with Apple, IndexNow, Full InnoDB and improved MySQL search
- Embed your content anywhere
- Single sign on
- Direct message searching
- Passwordless logins with passkeys
- You can now log in to the admin control panel using your configured passkey.
- Changes to the job queueing system that allows a caller to create jobs with a specified priority.
- Webhook support for user upgrades.
- Separated XF.Cropbox from avatar.js into its own file, crop_box.js.
- Multibyte string handling
- Entity ViewableInterface and IndexNow
- Automatic webhook configuration via PayPal's REST API
- ? with Turkish characters such as ö and ü
- ...plus a myriad of developer improvements
You can call it on any page where needed with the following code:
<xf:js src="vendor/jquery-slim.js" min="1" />
This is beta software. It is not officially supported. We do not recommend running it in production.
Note: It is not compatible with XenVn addon version 1.x.x