
  1. practicalsoft

    Xen-Releases XenForo 2.3.6 Release Edition by Practicalsoft.ir 2.3.6

    XenForo 2.3.6 Release Edition by Practicalsoft.ir Some of the changes in XF 2.3.6 include: Fix upgrades from XF 1 not having the correct xf_job table schema changes applied Fix an issue with updating multiple variation menu icons Fix some issues with HCaptcha Fix cookie third-party for X media...
  2. practicalsoft

    Xen-Style ThemeHouse - AC.UI (ACE) -

    ThemeHouse - AC.UI (ACE) - AC.UI AC.UI is built with our tried-and-true UI.X framework for XenForo 2. We have deliberated and meticulously fine-tuned AC.UI until it is truly the most modern and ideal interface for communities and no detail is missed. Every front size was optimized...
  3. practicalsoft

    Xen-Releases xenforo-2.3.0-Release-Candidate-4-Unstable-Full 2024-06-18

    We are delighted to announce that XenForo 2.3.0 Beta is now available to all customers with active self-hosted licenses. XenForo 2.3 includes a large number of new features and improvements, including: Dark mode and style variants Extensive performance improvements Featured content Image...
  4. practicalsoft

    Xen-AddOn [OzzModz] Badges v2.3.3 2.3.3

    [OzzModz] Badges v2.3.3 به کاربران خود با نشان‌های کلکسیونی پاداش دهید و نحوه دریافت نشان‌ها را کنترل کنید. Requirements: XenForo 2.2.0+ Description: Reward your users with collectible badges, and control how your users get them. Features Award users badges based on criteria...