
  1. PracticalBot

    B4X FEED Print text, rectangle and image in PDFDocumet don't works.

    I try to create a PDF document using this library, based in the example of the post. It is a profile form, with a title in a rectangle and an image, The title with the rectangle is printing, but the image don't. What could be happen? How can I fix this? The code is below and the example is...
  2. A

    ایجاد یک اسکرول ویو و خواندن تصویر از دیتا بیس

    ایجاد یک اسکرول ویو و خواندن تصویر از دیتا بیس در اندرویدمثل اینستا گرام If File.Exists(File.DirInternal, "mymobail")=False Then File.Copy(File.DirAssets,"mymobail",File.DirInternal,"mymobail") End If Dim SQL1 As SQL SQL1.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "mymobail", True)...